Alpha Phi Omega

Epsilon Zeta

RPI in Troy, NY

Service at the USS Slater


As a chapter, we serve the campus, community, and beyond! We run the campus lost and found, hold a backtest drive for past exams of different classes (we do not have finals), and have a charger loaner service (with calculators). All of these services are run for free for the RPI community! We host a number of service events with different community organizations in the Greater Central NY area, including but not limited to: Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, Sanctuary, Berkshire Bird Paradise, Joseph's House, Unity House, The Animal Support Project, and Northern Rivers.

USS Slater


As an organization, we strive to help our members obtain applicable life skills and teach them how to lead. We have a wide variety of leadership positions open to our members, and you do not need to be a part of our executive board to serve! Our executive board members have a number of sub-positions, referred to as chairships, which allow members to get involved if they do not wish to take on the full responsibility of being an officer.



We are a close-knit community of individuals who are passionate about helping others. Our members are friends for life, and maintain their relationships even after they graduate! See our alumni organization, EZAA (Epsilon Zeta Alumni Association), for more information about alumni relationships and events and ENYA (the Alpha Phi Omega Eastern New York Alumni Association) to learn about serving with APO after college. As an organization, every semester we host a few events dedicated to engaging our alumni base, connecting graduated brothers with current brothers.

What is Alpha Phi Omega?

Alpha Phi Omega is a gender-inclusive national service fraternity affiliated and founded on Boy Scout Principles. As an organization, we strive to better our community, campus, country, and beyond through serving others and volunteerism, while promoting ideals of leadership, friendship, and service amongst members. First established on Lafayette's College campus (PA), in 1925, membership has since grown to over 525,000 members and 325 chapters nationwide!

Contact Us

Whether you are a community organization and need some volunteers, an RPI student looking to utilize our free services, or an individual looking for more information on our organization, we can help.

General Inquires:

[email protected]

Questions About Recruitment Events:

[email protected]

Questions About the New Member Process

[email protected]

Office Number:

+1 (518)-276-6516
APO Crest


The Epsilon Zeta chapter is known for its service to the community. Founded in 1947, the Epsilon Zeta chapter was founded in RPI's Clubhouse building, current-day Lally Hall. During our 75+ years we have received the Dean Arno Nowotny, an APO national service award, a record breaking 6 times, and the Josiah Frank History Award 2 times. We currently run the Lost and Found for campus, the Backtest Services, and Charger Loaner Service, all free of charge to the community. Click below to learn more about our chapter's unique history.

EZ's History

Be a Leader, Be a Friend, Be of Service

Chapter Composite


With exception to the summer, we recruit every semester! As a Professional Fraternity on campus, first-semester freshman and individuals from social fraternities and sororities on campus are all eligible to be a part of our New Member Program. If you are interested in joining us, or are unsure, feel free to come to some of our events (non-committal).

Our Events!


We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. To continue having larger service projects like our semesterly Overnighter events, we thrive off of donations from the alumni and the greater community. Click below to donate and see more information as to where your money goes!

Donate Here